You Need Momma Young Media's Solutions for Blogging and Social Media!

When I started blogging, I just assumed that putting the website together would be super easy. After all, I was around when free websites were brand new to the Internet, and I had one for my classroom. How hard could it be to set up a blog and make it look exactly like I wanted? Turns out, it was harder than I expected.
I’ve been blogging for a while, but it has only been since April of this year that I’ve decided to take it to the next level. I did the switch from Blogger to WordPress, and I began trying to build my brand. What I didn’t know how to do so well was to turn my actual page into a page that made me proud.
Momma Young MediaEnter Anjanette over at Momma Young Media. I have the privilege to call her both a friend and a Mamavation Sista, but now I can call her my Media Guru.
If you’re looking for help with your blog or your social media outreach, Anjanette (@MommaYoungMedia) is the person to contact. Not only will she work with you, but she goes out of her way to make sure it’s exactly what you need and want. For now, Anjanette has my page working well. I have a goal in mind of getting things even better by later this fall, but that is currently hinging on some items from me: better images, a distinct list of things I want and need, etc.
Let me give you an example of how awesome Anjanette is: just today, I realized there was something goofy going on with my posts and website. I caught Anjanette and within ten minutes, she’d fixed it. That’s pretty awesome. I didn’t have to really explain much of what was happening because she had already figured it out.
If you’re looking for some help with your blog, I implore you to give Anjanette a shout. As I continue to tell her, she’s the BOMB, yo. 🙂

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